Aimant néodyme de fixation inséré avec tige filetée
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Aimant néodyme de fixation inséré avec tige filetée

  • NFM-M


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Inserted socket magnet is made up of Neodymium Magnet, steel casing and thread rod.The magnet is with anti-corrosion coatings to enhancing its using spram.

The magnetic adhesion area should be clean and flat otherwise will reduce the real magnetic force. Working temperature of inserted fixing magnet is 80 ℃. Do not heat pipe fixing magnet as it will shapely reduce the magnetic force. If higher working temperature is needed, the higher grade NdFeB will be necessary then.

Inserted socket magnet is a Magnetic Assembly that used in precast concrete construction,the use of inserted socket magnet is very simple. Set the inserted socket magnet and PVC pipe on the concrete formwork,then add concrete into the concrete formwork.With a hexagon tool, the Inserted socket magnet could be easily removed.

The magnetic force and sizes are also can be tailored as custumers' requirements. Please contact our sales guys for tailored product.

Inserted Neodymium Magnets

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