Grilles magnétiques en néodyme faciles à nettoyer
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Grilles magnétiques en néodyme faciles à nettoyer


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It takes time to remove the ferrous substances from magnetic grid after use. The wrong cleaning way may hurt the SST tube and significantly reduce the working life of magnetic grid. Under the circumstances, the easy-to-clean model is designed to solve the problem. In contrast with general magnetic gride, easy-to-clean model contains extra stainless steel house that magnetic bar is located inside.  Just extract the magnetic grid from the SST house when cleaning is necessary. The ferrous substance will fall off the magnetic filter bar.

Dimension can refer to NSM-GM style: the maximum magnetic strength can reach 8000GS Advantage:Easy cleaning

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  • +86-183-1298-2260
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  • No.35, route Sancun, Gaoqiao, district de Haishu, Ningbo Chine
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